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Next Generation Scripts of FiveM
Written Expression 📖
Transform your game map freely with Pixel-MapperV2!
After using the /mapper command, if you have the necessary permissions, the menu shown in the video will open.
In the menu, you can easily access any object or group of objects through the search bar or categories.
You can easily place the selected object in alignment with our placement system.
Use the R and E keys to switch between placement modes.
With the Left Alt key, you can align the object with the ground, and with the C key, you can duplicate the object with the exact same properties and coordinates. While the menu is active, you can switch between Freecam/Cursor modes using the F key.
On the right side, options like Invincible, Freeze, Databased Collision, and Visibility allow you to adjust the properties of the selected object.
You can adjust coordinates and rotations using the arrow keys or by clicking on the values and entering them directly.
When the Databased option is enabled, any changes you make will become permanent.
Once you're done editing, press Enter to finalize your changes.
One of the most significant features of Pixel-MapperV2 is that you can permanently edit any object already present in the game or delete them permanently if you prefer.
Pixel-MapperV2 gives users the ability to do everything that CodeWalker can do( Expect editing IPL's).
Features 🚀
Dependency: Pixel-Mapperlib (After purchasing the pixel-mapperv2, it is sent to your keymaster. )
yes | All Frameworks |
yes | Configurable |
yes | Optimized |
yes | Lifetime Support |
Christmas Objects!
Compitable with MapperV2
Written Expression
The player get close a other player's dead body while holding a shovel, a usable item. There is an "E Bury" text on the dead body. After the player presses the E key (Can be used with target systems), the burying process will begin. Each time the player burying a player presses the E key, they will add more dirt on top of the dead player. The burry process can be stopped at any time or continued where it left off later. Other players can speed up the burying process by involving them with their shovels.
yes | All Frameworks |
yes | Configurable |
yes | Optimized |
yes | Lifetime Support |
This Script is the Garage and Parking system that includes the parking system that ensures that the player's vehicle remains at the last point where it was left, as well as a detailed garage system.
Written Expression
If the player does not put their vehicle in the garage, the player's vehicle will remain there until the server is restarted until the last time the server is shut down. However, leaving your vehicle outside may cause your vehicle to be damaged/towed by the police. If the player wishes, he can leave his vehicle in the garage. The player can find and remove the vehicle he left in his garage from the "Search" section, categories or my favorite vehicles tab. Before taking off, he can fill up his vehicle with gasoline, repair its faulty engine, repair broken windows and repair any damage to the body of the vehicle. The current status of the vehicle (damage, fuel amount, etc.) is recorded in the database both when parking and in the garage. When the player removes his vehicle from the garage, he pays depending on the time the vehicle remains in the garage.
yes | All Frameworks |
yes | Configurable |
yes | Optimized |
yes | Lifetime Support |
Written Experssion
When you enter one of the border checkpoint cabins at the airport and sit down on the chair, after a while an NPC will approach you. You may ask the NPC for their first and last name and the country they are coming from to get answers. However, be careful! The NPC may be lying. You should request their passport and ID to check for any errors. Errors such as gender mismatch, discrepancies in name or surname, or photo inconsistencies can indicate that the ID and passport are fake. Unfortunately, we don't have time to explain all of them. Ensuring the NPC's identity and other documents are correct is not enough! To allow them to pass through the borders of Los Santos, you must also periodically check the changing government laws. Additionally, you must never allow individuals listed in the wanted list to enter the country, otherwise... If the NPC is on the wanted list, you must arrest them immediately. You must be certain about the decisions you make! Correct decisions will earn you money rewards, but wrong decisions can lead to serious fines. After making your decision, the next NPC will approach.
yes | All Frameworks |
yes | Configurable |
yes | Optimized |
yes | Lifetime Support |
This system allows players to trade items between each other. It provides exactly the same function as the standard market systems found in MMO RPG Games.
The player goes to one of the market regions that you can add multiple times and accesses the market menu with the access management you choose (target, key press, command). By default, there are 5 item categories, the player can navigate between these categories and see the items that other players have advertised for sale. If a player posts an ad for selling items, his ad will be visible even if he is offline, and it can be purchased by another player. The player can directly type his name and search for the item he needs to find it more easily. With the buttons on the left side of the profile, you can list the ads in ascending and descending order by price. The player clicks once on the item he wants to buy and adds it to his cart. The player can add as many items as he wants to his cart. If the items in the basket are in stock, they can determine the amount they want to buy by using the plus and minus buttons or by directly changing the number in the middle. You can purchase the items added to your cart with the Buy button. The money is transferred to the seller's account immediately after the purchase and you can withdraw it at any time.
The player can access the item sales tab with the Post an ad button. After typing the first letters of the item to be sold, the player can press enter to determine the item to be sold, if any. Can determine quantity, unit price, ad description, and shelf time. Shelf time exists as a real-time clock. After the shelf time set by the player expires, the item is removed from sale. Other players cannot see that item, and the owner of the ad can re-list the ad from the active ads section in the profile at any time by pressing the refresh button, or delete the ad and take back the item. Another player can make a purchase through the ad you listed, even if you are offline. You can log into your profile and withdraw your money whenever you want. You can edit your active listings at any time. You can see your market statistics in the profile. FEATURES - Open Source - It is Impossible to Dupe Items. - Item Images Gets From Your Inventory - Very Detailed Config. - Detailed Documentation - Multiple Interaction Options - 95% Standalone - Super Optimized (0.0 for all time)
yes | All Frameworks |
yes | Configurable |
yes | Optimized |
yes | Lifetime Support |
Written Expression
You can go to the location where the Ads Manager is located and interact with the E key. First, you must select the billboards you can rent on the map. The hourly rent for each billboard is different, billboards in areas where players are concentrated are more expensive. After choosing the billboard that suits you by taking into account the price and estimated advertising statistics, you can rent the billboard by determining your advertising time and advertising poster image for a maximum of 6 hours. Even if you exit the server or the server is restarted, your ad on the billboard will remain there until your rental period ends.
yes | All Frameworks |
yes | Configurable |
yes | Optimized |
yes | Lifetime Support |
Written Expression
The player can strengthen herself for a short tiem by using one of the syringes containing 4 diffrent speed, damage, health, an all of them
Damage Syringe:
It increases the damage the player deals with specified weapons by 2 times for a specified period of time.
Health Syringe:
The player's health is doubled for a certain period of time. When the effect expires, it returns to its previous state.
Adrenaline Syringe:
The player's stamina does not run out for the specified duration of the effect and his running speed is doubled.
X Syringe:
Damage, Health, Adrenaline Gives all boosts given by Surges for a specified period of time.
yes | All Frameworks |
yes | Configurable |
yes | Optimized |
yes | Lifetime Support |
Written Expression
When the player goes to the NPC in the specified location and uses the "E" key, the Rent a Car menu will open. The player can choose and rent the vehicle he wants from here. When the player clicks on a vehicle in the menu, he can see basic information about the vehicle. Maximum speed, number of seats, brakes, amount and price of gasoline available. When a player rents a vehicle, he/she owns the vehicle for the number of days specified in the menu. Therefore, he can put the vehicle in and out of his garage. When the rental period ends, ownership of the vehicle will be taken from the player. You can easily add vehicles via Config. When you add a vehicle, the image of the vehicle will appear automatically.
Preview - Click Me!
Discord - Click Me!
- Databased Renting
- Very Detailed Config
- Automatic Vehicle Image
- Well Optimized Clientside (0.001)
- Well Optimized Serverside (0.001)
- Standalone
yes | All Frameworks |
yes | Configurable |
yes | Optimized |
yes | Lifetime Support |