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Next Generation Scripts of FiveM
**Written expression**
The player goes to the bar to get the profession.
He can stop the profession at any time.
While the player is at work, customers come to the bar.
And waits for the waiter(player) to place him on a table.
After the player places the customer, he sits at the table and waits for the customer's orders to be taken.
After receiving their order, the player must deliver the product according to the order to the customer.
After the delivery, the customer pays the price, which varies according to the drink he drinks, and leaves the shop.
* Can be Multiplayer
* Extended Config
* Realistic Components
* Low Resmon
* The money earned depends on the product the customer ordered.
* Resmon - Deactive : 0.01 / Active : 0.04 *(With I5 10400)*
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*Note : This resource don't have any encryption/protection*

| | |
| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 500 |
| Requirements | None |
| Support | No |